Let me just start by saying how ridiculously good and anointed the RPC Worship Department is. I say department because they have like 27 different teams and every last one of them is dripping with anointing.
I said all that to say that tonight's opening song, "I hear the sound" flat wrecked me. I found out later that John Brockman, one of RPC's many worship leaders, wrote this song. And I can only imagine how God would upload a song like this to anyone.
Well, that was just the opener. Lee University's Campus Choir backed up the worship team and, as always, they were jubilant and highly anointed.
Worship prepared the way for the word from Free Chapel Pastor Jentezen Franklin. "Don't Waste Your Oil" was the subject of his message.
His text was 1 Samuel 16 where David is anointed king after the Samuel passes over his brothers.
Jentezen's message was basically pour into people who will receive what you have to give.
He listed various types of people that he won't waste his oil and/or time pouring into. Everything from mean people to stingy people to those who ridicule and mock the moving of the Spirit for today–are not worth losing sleep over. It's not worth it to even argue with them.
Can I tell you how freeing that is?
Jentezen went on to tell the story of a city in North Carolina near a Marine Corps air station that has signs posted around the city stating, "Pardon our noise, it's the sound of freedom."
The funny thing about that story is I just heard the very same thing on Sunday when Dr. Bryan Cutshall, president of the Redemption School of Ministry, preached at my home church (a wonderful experience that started off our week with a bang).
Pastor B, as he's affectionately known, shared the story after the most remarkable exegesis of Psalm 23 I've ever heard–a word that still has me in wonder even today.
After Tuesday night's service, as I walked by Pastor B. he stopped me and remarked about sharing that story Sunday and he called it confirmation.
As if that wasn't enough, a young man with Campus Choir (who I didn't know from Adam) stopped me on our way out the door and gave me a prophetic word. The young man said that he could see I was locked in a prison room and I was praying, fasting, and even singing at the wall for it to fall, but God had to remove some things behind the wall first. He went on to say that the wall is falling now.
Now, I'm not typically one to just accept a prophetic word from a total stranger. Ever. But the truth in that word confirmed by actual issues I've been facing, coupled with the confirmation of Pastor Jentezen and Pastor B. tells me freedom is here!
You can call that weird. You can call it strange fire. You can call it whatever you want. I call it the sound of freedom. I call it an on time word straight from the throne.
Thank God for Ruach.
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