It’s way too easy to take a #selfie and put it up on every social media platform these days.
Because we are inundated by the #selfie mindset, it’s only natural that this phenomena would creep into the Church.
Am I calling you out if you’ve ever taken a #selfie? Absolutely not.
There is nothing wrong with taking a picture of yourself and posting it online for the world to see (so long as you are clothed and in your right mind). But if the underlying attitude behind that post is “look at how awesome I am” you might want to sanctify your motives.
Self is always the hardest thing to crucify. Add an “H” and spell self backwards and you have “flesh.”
The Apostle Paul continually warned against catering to the flesh. Paul wrote in Galatians 5:17, “the flesh lusts against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh.”
In our day and age, this verse rings even truer.
The spirit wants the things of God. The Kingdom mindset is a spiritual mindset. God desires us to focus on what He wants. However, since we live in flesh and we constantly desire whatever gratifies the flesh.
So, it’s hopeless right?
Not even hardly.
Grace gives us power to crucify the flesh with its affections and lusts (Galatians 5:24).
Yes, it’s a battle to deny #selfie. There’s enmity between flesh and spirit (Romans 8:7). That literally means there’s hatred between your natural fleshy self and the new man God created you to be. It’s a battle, but grace wins. And grace causes you to win.
Yield to God. Allow His grace to work freely in your life on a daily, ongoing basis.
You can stay Kingdom-focused in this #selfie generation.
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