April 7, 2013

Ready. Set. Go!

If you call yourself a writer, it only stands to reason that you actually write from time to time.

For five years I called myself an aspiring sportswriter. During the last of those five years, writing about sports—football in particular—was how I made money. Not much money, mind you, but money nonetheless.

Then something strange happened. I completely lost my desire to write about sports. Totally stopped, almost cold-turkey, and decided that was no longer going to be my path.

During the last year I've barely written at all. To say that the decision was all mine wouldn't be completely accurate.

For years I struggled between desiring a career in sports media or pursuing the call God had placed on my life. Almost exactly one year ago, I decided that God's call was far too important for me to ignore.

Of course, my freelance pool drying up and my being forced back into the "real world" to make money had something to do with that, but looking back I can see God's hand orchestrating those circumstances into place.

Part of that calling is this blog. Writers have to write. It's just what we do.

What will this blog be about? Honestly, I'm not totally sure myself. I know what I think it's going to be. I know the direction I feel to begin with, but the ultimate purpose of this blog is still somewhat of a mystery to me.

It will begin as a place for me to share thoughts on the church, ministry, worship, and the advancement of the kingdom of God.

I should be able to cover countless subjects based under those headings.

Good writers tend to keep things entertaining and thought provoking at the same time. I'll certainly give that my best shot on this site.

Bare with me on these first few posts. As I said earlier, I haven't written regularly in nearly a year. There's bound to be some rust.

I plan to publish at least two articles per week here at joelabarker.com. If you want those posts automatically delivered to your email inbox, you can subscribe to the blog in the sidebar.

Feel free to comment and/or leave feedback.

I want to start a conversation and I want you be a part of it.



  1. [...] joelabarker.com! I’m so excited to get this blog launched. As I said in the first post “Ready. Set. Go!“, this site is nearly one year in the [...]

  2. Way to go Brother Joel!.....May God bless you in this.

  3. Thank you, sis!

  4. Thank you, sis!


About me

I'm Joel A. Barker - I'm a worship pastor and soon-to-be church planter. The Church is my passion. This site is the home base for my ministry, featuring thoughts on all things worship, devotion, and the Kingdom. Kick back and stay a while.

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