April 8, 2013

Worship Experience: Reflections from Sunday, April 7

Worship Experience will be a weekly post at joelabarker.com. As a worship leader, I want to share with others what God is doing in my church with the worship team.

My hope is that "Worship Experience" will become a hub of sorts for worship leaders everywhere to share their Sunday experiences, set lists, service recaps, etc.

Now, for this week's Worship Experience.

Worship Experience: April 7

Sunday Morning Reflections

Ever get that feeling that half the congregation stayed up way too late on Saturday night? Yeah, thought so. I get it every week, too.

But that's part of the burden and the joy of being a worship leader. You start out cold and tired and by the time you hit the final note, people are really expressing their love and emotionally lifting up their Savior.

This Sunday was no different. And, as usual, by the time "How Great is our God" ended, our folks were there, in that wonderful, service-tone setting, atmosphere of worship.

No matter how many times that song is sung or how much weight is added to Chris Tomlin's wallet when we sing it, there's almost a ready-made atmosphere of worship by the time we finish up.

Sunday Morning Set-List

  • Victory in Jesus

  • Promises

  • How Great is our God

Sunday Evening Reflections

Sunday evening services are almost always polar opposites of Sunday morning. Folks have had a chance to eat, rest, and reflect on Sunday morning for a while.

The atmosphere of worship is usually set before the worship team even begins its first song on Sunday evening. Our service starter, Missy Tallent, usually prays down an atmosphere before I even get the mic.

Those are the fun services. We, as the worship team, can just step right in and flow.

On Sunday evening, we started off with "Break Every Chain" because the flow was already moving that way.

Typically, I follow the Worship Leader Manual by starting off with a fast song (I have no idea if such a manual exists, but I imagine if it does the first chapter contains only the words "OPEN WITH A FAST SONG"), but sometimes—usually on a Sunday evening service—there's no need to get folks pepped up with a one of those mind numbingly-clap-on-the-off-beat-to-feel-the-Spirit kind of songs.

So, we moved the fast song all the way down to No. 2 on the list.

The song that really resonated was Israel Houghton's "Your Presence is Heaven to Me." God has used that song incredibly in this current season we are in at Joyful Sound Church.



Sunday Evening Set-List

  • Break Every Chain

  • Oh Happy Day

  • Show Me Your Glory

  • Your Presence is Heaven to Me

How did you feel about your Sunday worship service(s)? What songs are you singing in this season? How does the congregation react when/if you go against The Manual? Do you even care about The Manual?


I lead worship at the Joyful Sound Church in Chattanooga, TN.


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About me

I'm Joel A. Barker - I'm a worship pastor and soon-to-be church planter. The Church is my passion. This site is the home base for my ministry, featuring thoughts on all things worship, devotion, and the Kingdom. Kick back and stay a while.

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