With the expected, yet somewhat surprising Supreme Court decision allowing for same-sex marriages in all 50 states, the normal "news dump" Friday turned into a headline-making free-for-all.
Opinions flowed like milk and honey. Some were good. Some were bad. Some were just flat out mean. And I'll admit, I had to hit the delete button a couple of times myself. It's real easy to get in the flesh over matters such as this one.
For me, the immediate reaction was that of shock. I really thought, based on Justice Kennedy's remarks during testimony a few weeks ago, that the court would not rule this way. After the shock gave way, a mood of semi-despair settled in.
After I had some time to reflect on the landmark decision, however, my shock and near despair turned into hope. As I began to read the scriptures and seek the face of God, one word kept coming to mind "opportunity." With the Holy Spirit's guidance, I quickly penned down some takeaways that the American Church can utilize going forward.
1. We can stop being surprised at the sheer blindness of humanity
Maybe I'm the only one that seems surprised that rational human beings, even in their lostness, can be so wrong about a subject like uniting two people of the same sex in "holy matrimony." It's as if the definition of up was changed to down and left was changed to right seemingly overnight. In my study of Jonah today, I read where God told the prophet, "should I not be concerned about Ninevah, that great city, in which there are more than 120,000 people who don't know their right hand from their left?" (Jonah 4:10)
There are way more than 120,000 people in America who fit that description. If God was concerned, rather than surprised at the wickedness of the city of Ninevah, the Church should focus on the lostness of sinful humanity rather than try to reason with the unreasonable.
2. We can finally come to grips with the fact that America is a pagan nation
This is a hard pill to swallow. The good old U.S. of A. was founded as a Christian nation. America has long been at the top of the list of missionary-sending countries in the world. We have the Bible-belt. Not to mention the substantial Christian-right political machine that has been responsible for getting Republicans elected for decades now.
With this decision, we American Christians should be free to forget the idea that the restoration of America will come via some evangelo-political solution. We are now free take on a similar posture to that of the early Church who "turned the world upside" amidst a hostile, hedonistic culture.
3. It's time to stand on Kingdom principles rather than place any hope in the Constitution
In case you haven't noticed, our government no longer regards the singular document upon which this nation was to be ruled. The Supreme Court no longer interprets the law, rather it has become a legislative force that even the finest of legal minds cannot contend with.
If you are looking to the Constitution for hope or help, forget it. Stand on the God's Word. Nothing more. Nothing less.
4. The light shines better when the darkness is pervasive
"The light shines in darkness, but has not overcome it." - John 1:5 MEV
It's dark. Really dark. But we have the light. In fact, we are the light. As the body of Christ, our light can not be overcome by the dark. It's impossible.
In other words, opportunity is everywhere! We Christians are about to stick out like a sore thumb. In light of that fact, now is the time to understand what a decision of this magnitude means. Now is the time to understand the Kingdom principles I mentioned in point No. 3. Now is the time to allow God to break your heart for the very same people who spent Friday, June 26 celebrating.
"Always be ready to give an answer to every man who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you, with gentleness and fear." - 1 Peter 3:15 MEV
5. If you have no sense of urgency right now, wake up
The days of "business as usual" are long gone. We can no longer conduct ourselves in a manner that would indicate all is well. All is not well. The leaders of our nation have crossed a line. Judgment is not coming to America. Judgment is already here.
It's time for the Church to stand up. The house is on fire and millions of Americans are oblivious to the raging inferno in their own living room. It's only right for us to yell "FIRE!!!!"
Get in the Word. Get into the presence of God. Seek His face. Pray. Plant that church. Start that bible study. Talk to those people God has laid on your heart for weeks.
And do it quickly! It's not the time to measure that cave for curtains. Don't hide. For goodness sakes, your church's tax-exempt status doesn't matter.
Yes, God has everything under control. But He allows these things to happen to give his people a sense of urgency.
"Blow the ram’s horn in Zion, sound the alarm on My holy mountain! All the inhabitants of the earth will tremble, because the day of the Lord has come, because it is near." - Joel 2:1 MEV
Opportunity is here!