August 3, 2013

Revival: Is it in you?

Revival is a word that always conjures up many different emotions in my spirit and my mind.

On the physical level, my mind automatically shifts to thoughts of consecutive nightly worship services and anointed preaching. That thinking then leads to thoughts of long services, lack of rest, and the eventual loss of my voice from leading worship.

My spirit-man, however, skips past the vocal labor of leading worship 11 times in 10 days (we sing a minimum of 30 minutes in every service), how tired we eventually will become, or the length of the service. Indeed, the spirit inside of me jumps for joy at the prospect of a renewed focus and a revived heart.

After experiencing in a time of revival 12 of the last 14 days, my voice is certainly in recuperation mode, but my spirit-man is rejuvenated. I'd dare to say he's doing cartwheels at the moment.

Until you know what it's like to give of yourself, your talent, and of the anointing God has placed in your life, only to have it completely renewed and ready night after night for nearly two weeks, you can't completely understand the level of revival I'm talking about.

God has called us, as carriers of the anointing, to have revival inside of us.
It's one thing to hear an awesome sermon, have it speak directly to you and be renewed in your mind, body, and spirit. But it's an entirely different thing to carry revival and have it constantly renewed by seeking after God.

In 2 Chronicles 34, the story of Judah's King Josiah is told. Josiah took the throne at the age of eight. Verse three of that chapter explains that at the age of 16, eight years into Josiah's reign, he began to seek God. The second half of that verse says that four years after he began seeking God, Josiah started one of the greatest times of revival in Judah's history.

King Josiah began tearing down the altars of the false gods and centers of idolatry that had caused the people of Judah to stray. From that starting point, Josiah then began repairing the temple of God that had fallen into a state of disrepair after 100 years of neglect.

The repair of the temple led to the recovery of the Book of the Law. The finding of the Torah led to Josiah's reinstatement of the Covenant Law, which led to the most complete observation of the Passover in 400 years!

Talk about a revival!

The greatest revival in Judah's history began with Josiah seeking after God in the four years prior to the beginning of the revival. The revival began in Josiah's life.

It all started with a king's dedication to God.

Is it in you?


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I'm Joel A. Barker - I'm a worship pastor and soon-to-be church planter. The Church is my passion. This site is the home base for my ministry, featuring thoughts on all things worship, devotion, and the Kingdom. Kick back and stay a while.

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